Frequently Asked Questions
How would you describe your Internet book series in:
- 10 words: Learn to recognize and avoid current Internet scams.
- 25 words: Learn how Internet scams work, what they look like, and how to avoid becoming a victim.
- 50 words: Internet Scams Revealed is a series of volumed books to help users avoid becoming a victim of Internet Scams. Complete with actual examples, the topics range from reviewing the Top 10 Email Scams to Social Media scams on sites like Craigslist, Facebook and more.
How would you summarize your Internet Scams Revealed series?
This series will give readers the toolbox necessary to quickly recognize when something they encounter on the Internet is a scam or not, and then what to do, as well as help those who have already fallen victim to a scam know what steps to take to report the crime.
Have you always been a writer?
I have always written but not traditional novels, in that sense. I have always been a bridge - in speaking and writing, between technology and helping non-technical people understand technology. I wrote a book back in 1995 to that end, which assisted users in how to get on what was, at the time, a very brand new Internet. And my friends will tell you my emails are little novellas in and of themselves.
How did your Internet Scams book series come to be? Why did you write it?
I was receiving too many emails from fellow fine artists about scammers pretending to want to buy their art and then paying for it with fake checks and money orders. Artists want to believe someone loves and wants their beautiful creation of art. Scammers saw this weak spot and began exploiting it. I decided I had to do something, so I first started a blog called Stop Art Scams and then I opened a facebook page with the same name, and now I've written a series of books - all to help educate more people and bring more awareness to how to not become an online scam victim.
Who is your audience?
The primary audience for this series of books on Internet Scams are non-technical people who are active on the Internet and might become the target of Internet scammers. A particularly fast growing segment are people trying to sell something online and not being able to determine if every customer request is legitimate or not.
What do you think is the most important information you communicate to your reader?
Internet scammers target anyone and everyone so there is no shame in it. And I want people to learn to search online BEFORE sending money or items to anyone they've dealt with on the Internet.
How long did it take you to write this book series and what kind of routine, if any, did you follow?
I've been helping people deal with Internet scams since 1995 so I have a wealth of information and people's shared experiences to draw from. The book series took several months to complete. My routine for this project was to remove myself from my regular daily schedule and focus on getting the bulk of the content organized and written. After that chunk of time, I continued the writing and editing process as part of every day, but within the regular routine demands of my day.
What is your biggest hope for this book?
My biggest hope is that I can educate more people how to easily recognize Internet scams before they become victims and that we can have a real impact on reducing the success rate scammers currently enjoy now online.
How is this book series different from others that are available? What makes it unique?
This series goes more into depth on Internet-based scams than books currently available out there, and these are based on over 20 years experience dealing with Internet scams. I didn't just research this, I live and breathe this stuff every day. And these books have actual examples from real people that come from my blog and facebook pages. It reflects what people are really experiencing.
Is this series the first books you've published?
No. As mentioned, I published a book back in 1995, when the Internet was brand spanking new, called In Search of Arts & Crafts on the Internet. It is out of print now but was timely back then.
Are you planning on writing any more books?
Yes, I am working on more now.
Can I get a review copy of your book?
If you are a book blogger and interested in doing a book review, please email your review book request for consideration to our Publicity Department (see contact page) along with relevant links, stats, and information about your blog and it's readership. While we can't accommodate every request, my team does review all requests and respond to those that best meet our marketing goals. Review copies are sent as PDF files and can be read with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Can I interview you on my blog/website?
If you would like to interview me for your blog or website, you can e-mail me. Please keep in mind that I have a busy schedule, so I may not be able to accommodate every request. Sending written questions I can respond to is another alternative.
Will you come speak to our group about Safety on the Internet?
I would be happy to, if my schedule allows. Please e*mail my team (see contact page) with your request and a little information about your group, size of group, etc., and we can provide the costs and work out more details with you.